Saturday, February 29, 2020

Business munciation for Non-Verbal

As the workplace b es a more plex place with myriad of inter-relationships and   work being assigned mostly in teams rather than to individuals, the significance of munication is perhaps more significant than ever (Fielding, 2006). However, when we consider munication, the focus tends to be too much on the verbal aspects which are where all the training is majorly focused on. In the process, a major aspect of munication which constitutes of non-verbal munication is ignored. However, it is noteworthy that majority (i.e. about 80%) of the munication that a person engages in is through non –verbal munication. Here essentially no words are spoken but essentially through the use of gestures, symbols and body language pivotal munication is facilitated (Bonaccio et. al., 2016). The objective of the given essay is to highlight the significance of non-verbal munication or cues and how potentially this mode of munication is more critical than the verbal aspect of munication in the wor kplace context. As highlighted above, a large majority of the munication an individual typically indulges is in the form of non-verbal munication facilitated primarily through the use of body language. Further, in the workplace, the non-verbal munication is given more importance than the verbal munication. This is primarily because while the verbal munication is controlled by the conscious mind, the non-verbal munication is highly more spontaneously and at times the gestures an individual engages in, even he/she may not be aware of the same but it municates vital information to the other party (Means, 2009). Hence, it is a mon practice at workplace when there is lack of consistency between the verbal and non-verbal aspects of munication; it is the latter which is accorded more weightage. This is primarily because the verbal munication is often driven by diplomacy and other factors and thus is paratively much easier to manipulate in parison with the non-verbal munication which as mentioned before ten ds to take place spontaneously and hence less prone to conscious manipulation.   As a result, in various situations, individuals tend to be driven more by the non-verbal munication rather than the verbal munication (Lunenburg, 2010). Consider for example, an HR manager is taking an interview for a potential recruit. It is a mon practice on the part of the candidates to claim that they have all the requisite qualities and to endorse themselves. However, there are subtle non-verbal clues which the interviewers tend to grasp which indicates that the claim made by the candidate may not be entirely true and provides avenues for further probing so as to recruit the right candidate for the available vacancy. This interaction between the verbal and non-verbal modes of munication is frequent at the workplace and plays a critical role in the manner in which the messages are interpreted at the workplace. Usually, the message municated through verbal munication need requisite support of non-verbal munication in order to make sense to the receiver and hence ensure that munication is effective (Mcintosh and Luecke, 2008). Further, as a supervisor or manager, it is imperative to pay attention to the non-verbal munication which more often than not is more vital than the verbal munication. One of the situations that non-verbal munication is of particular importance is contradiction (Fielding, 2006). For instance, the manager floats a new proposal based on which, certain employees every week would be required to e on weekends to the office. When the supervisor asks for the suggestion from the employees, it is possible that due to the higher authority that he/she represents, the employees may be resultant to voice their dissent and thus may agree to it. But the manner in which this agreement is municated coupled with various other cues such as the body language after the proposal has been floated around would provide key indicators as to whether there is actual consent or not (Guffey and Loewy, 2009). Usually, this is imperative as taking initiatives would typically involve costs and resource allocation an d hence it is imperative that the same should have backing of the underlying subjects for whose benefit it is being done. This could be true for various training initiatives that may be taken for the employees which do not yield much improvement in performance since from the beginning there might have been lack of enthusiasm but still for fear of repercussions, no concern would have been raised by any employee (Bonaccio et. al., 2016). Additionally, non-verbal munication plays a critical role in reinforcement which is critical when a given individual is presenting a new proposal to a client. Through non-verbal munication, the extent of conviction that the person concerned presenting the idea has can be indicated which goes a long way in convincing the client (Lunenburg, 2010). If on one hand, there is a sales pitch for a product, service or business idea but an inconsistent body language shows reluctance or doubts with regards to critical aspects of the underlying good, then it is highly likely that sale would not happen as reinforcement was missing from the end of the presenter. Non-verbal munication also plays a vital role in ascertaining the level of understanding the employees or team members are experiencing without actually disturbing the group (Mcintosh and Luecke, 2008). For instance, imagine a situation where the project manager is briefing the team members about a particular new project whereby the team m embers can be nodding indicate to the project manager that they are actually able to understand what is being said by the project manager and in the process there is no interruption for the project manager. This is also applicable in case of various presentations that may be made to senior management or clients where the concerned individual may look for subtle non-verbal clues to ascertain if he/she is one the right track or not and whether the intended audience is able to resonate with the viewpoints captured by the speaker (Fielding, 2006). Besides, non-verbal munication goes a long way in the expression of subtle emotions which are considered vital at the business place. This is particularly significant in dealing with the concerns and grievances of the employees (Bonaccio et. al., 2016).. As a result, non-verbal munication is highly critical for the role of a human resource manager. Irrespective of the final solution to the problem, it is essential that the HR manager must show sensitivity towards the employee and make attempts to understand the perspective of the employees. The sensitivity on part of the HR is usually indicated through the non verbal munication which would employ gestures during listening which essentially are meant to pacify the employee so that he/she can vent out the frustration (Means, 2009). Unlike personal relations, where emotions are expressed by a greater use of verbal munication, professional relationships are characterized by expressions of emotions more at the level of non-verbal municati on.   This makes the non-verbal munication even more vital for the workplace for it essentially b es a humane place where gestures by individuals are considered critical for the overall munication (Lunenburg, 2010). This empathy which is municated through non-verbal munication is the lynchpin of service businesses whose success rests on the same. The employees intend to provide a superior service experience to the customers through the use of various friendly gestures such as greeting customers,   having a smile while talking or otherwise also, voluntarily extending help to clients which help as key differentiators of service between rival firms. A service firm without the requisite non-verbal munication would be destined to fail as the requisite warmth would never been able to municate to the client (Fielding, 2006). This is b ing more apparent with the advent of online shopping and services where customers tend to miss the personal touch and the non-verbal munication which the concerned person at the store would display through various gestures. Additionally, the lack of non-verbal munication tends to prove a hurdle in virtual teams where the munication is through verbal messages but are fou nd to be less effective and results is greater issues of coordination since non-verbal munication provides appropriate context to the verbal munication by either reinforcement or contradiction (Guffey and Loewy, 2008). Based on the above discussion, it is apparent that non-verbal munication plays a larger role than verbal munication at the workplace. One of the reasons that is responsible for the same is the fact that verbal munication is more open to manipulation unlike non-verbal munication which is more intuitive and spontaneous and hence more representative of the true feedback of the listener. Concentrating on non-verbal munication is pivotal for the managers so as to understand the reactions of their team members about various proposals which otherwise may not be represented in verbal munication. This also plays a crucial role for the HR manger who effectively relies on the same to placate the employees and thereby enhance the overall employee satisfaction. Also, with regards to clients or customers, non-verbal munication can be the key differentiator especially in the service business. Thus, it would be fair to establish while non-verbal munication can exist in isolation, it is typically not possible for the verbal munication to exist and make sense in the absence of non-verbal munication which is apparent in the case of virtual teams and the underlying issues faced. Bonaccio, S., Reilly, J., Sullivan, S. and Chiocchio, F. (2016)Nonverbal Behaviour and munication in the Workplace: A review and an Agenda for Research, Journal of Management, 42(6) pp.14-17. Fielding, M. (2006) Effective munication in organisations. 4th edn.Claremont: Juta and pany Ltd. Guffey, E. M. and Loewy, D. (2014) Business munication: Process and Product. 8th edn.Boston:Cengage Learning. Lunenburg, C.F.(2010) Lounder Than Words: The Hidden Power of Nonverbal munication in the Workplace. International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity, 12(1), pp. 3-5. Mcintosh, P. and Luecke, A. R. (2008) Interpersonal munication Skills in the Workplace.2nd edn.New York: AM Div American Mgmt Assn. Means, T. (2009) Business munication.2nd edn.Boston: Cengage Learning.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Negative Impacts of Globalization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Negative Impacts of Globalization - Assignment Example This paper discusses the potential negative effects of globalization. The negative impacts of globalization Increase in unemployment One of the most frequently debated consequences of globalization is outsourcing. As more and more people from the developing countries migrated to the advanced economies, employers in the host countries started to take benefit of it by offering jobs to migrants instead of the local citizens. This saved them the cost of business as the migrants agreed to work upon salaries significantly lower than what a local candidate with the same level of competencies and abilities would ask for. Migrants are â€Å"ready to work at one-fifth of what someone in developed world may call 'low-pay'† (Pillai, 2011). A vast majority of such migrants come from such countries as India and China to the advanced countries like Canada and the USA. A lot of people in the developing countries are competent in spoken English and are eligible to serve in many areas including the customer service field. While globalization has brought fortune for the migrants as well as their home countries in terms of remittance, the local citizens of the developed countries are very upset and often outraged upon the increasing tendency of the employers to replace them with the migrant workers. They feel like their jobs are being taken away. Many of them accuse the migrants for the socioeconomic issues that keep surfacing in their countries from time to time. Mismatch between work load and salary There is a significant percentage of migrants who have reached the advanced countries through illegal channels. Such people are ready to work in the host countries at any cost. Employers take advantage of their situation and make them take a lot of work-load for a minimal wage. â€Å"Women work two-thirds of the world’s working hours, produce half of the world’s food, but earn only ten percent of the world’s income, and own less than one percent of the wo rld’s property† (, n.d.). Although many migrants are earning much more than they did in their home countries, yet they have to go through very tough circumstances on daily basis in order to maintain their living in the host countries. Spread of racism This issue is linked with the one just discussed. A lot of people in the developed countries are not satisfied with the quality of customer service they receive from the migrant workers. They either express problems understanding them and accuse them of not speaking English with reasonable competence, or complain that the worker offended them because of his/her lack of awareness of the cultural and social norms and values of the host country. Such encounters between migrant workers and the indigenous people have â€Å"caused a lot of animosity among people and has added to the dissent that people already have against outsourcing† (Pillai, 2011). Most of the issues are unnecessarily overemphasized u pon. These kinds of problems lay basis for racism that is often complained of in the developed countries. Decline of developing countries Many people are of the opinion that globalization has benefited the developing countries by enabling their citizens to earn money abroad and send to their homelands as remittances, but very few of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

PSY 365 Psychology of Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

PSY 365 Psychology of Diversity - Essay Example The hypothesis was that there were significant differences in these two influences on prosocial behavior according to age, and that gender differences would also emerge. 682 families participated in the study by answering questionnaires both from the parents and the teachers of the children. The sample was divided into children under 11 and those over 11 years. The results showed no significant difference in effect of genetics and environment according to gender. Individual differences in prosocial behavior emerged as children became adolescents, with environmental effect decreasing and genetics effect increasing. Although this study gathered data from the teachers, this data was only used to compare the ratings of parents with teachers as a way to confirm the level of prosocial behavior of the child. It was not used to compare the effect of shared (home) environment with unshared (school) environment. Two years later Knafo and Plomin (2006) also examined the effect of the environment and genetics on prosocial behavior in young children. This was a longitudinal study at ages 2, 3, 4 and 7 of a sample of 9,424 pairs of twins in the UK. The main hypothesis was that genetics and environment do not continue to affect behavior and that new influences emerge in later years. The study measured the level of prosocial behavior, the shared environment, the unshared environment and the genetic influences. The results of the study indicated that the shared environment had less effect as the children aged, but the genetics had a greater effect. The results also showed that the genetic effects account for both change and continuity in prosocial behavior but the nonshared environments effects account mainly for the changes in prosocial behavior. Although Knafo and Plomin only carried out their study to age 7, both studies found that genetic effects on prosocial behavior increased with age and that the biological influence of genetics increased whereas