Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Public Policy for Animal Welfare in India

Public Policy for ANIMAL WELFARE in INDIA. Issues, Challenges and Recommendations Submitted by – DR. PUNIT G. (PGP-2), IIMA. ARTICLE 51 of INDIAN CONSTITUTION Article 51 of Indian constitution provides protection to animals in India by ensuring â€Å"Compassion to all living creatures†. For ensuring the same, PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS act was enacted in 1960 under which the Government of India instituted the ANIMAL WELFARE BOARD of INDIA for carrying out the activities mentioned in the above mentioned act. Following are some of the important points to be discussed in this backdrop: 1.Saving of DOG population from mass killing by local municipal corporations. a. Enforcing the ANIMAL BIRTH CONTROL PROGRAMME throughout India, i. e. replacing mass killing of stray dogs with vaccination & sterilization programmes. 2. Creating SPCA’s (Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), monitoring their activities, and derecognizing those which are non-working or misu sing their mandate. 3. Work towards licensing and taxation of all dog and cat sellers. The report that follows will discuss each issue in the backdrop of the necessity for creating such an article in the act, the relevance in today? time, critical analysis of the policy, any suggestions/recommendations to improve the efficacy for the purpose for which it was put in the first place. ABC program: â€Å"SAVING of DOG POPULATION from MASS KILLING† OVERVIEW: Mass killing of stray dogs was started in India in the 19th century during the times of Britishruled India. Almost 50,000 dogs were killed every year even after Independence by the local municipal authorities with an objective to eradicate RABIES and also reduce the stray dog population in India. But in 1993, finally the government admitted that this policy had een a complete failure as human deaths due to rabies had actually increased, and also the dog population was on a rise. This meant that the application of the technique (mass-killing) which was followed in developed countries, did not work in India (a developing nation) as the two environments and scenarios are hugely different from each other. Hence in 1994, the killing programme was replaced by ABC (Animal Birth Control) which meant masssterilization (with mass-vaccination against rabies) instead of mass-killing. In either case, the final objective of the programme is straight-forward – â€Å"Controlling the population of stray dogs. OBJECTIVE of POPULATION CONTROL program: Rather than understanding the pros and cons of any method, let us first begin by laying out the objectives for any such system to be in place. Here are a few of the possible objectives: 1. Protecting the public health at large (as dogs are carriers/vectors for many diseases, including Rabies) 2. Maintaining community hygiene, especially in the urban context. The reasons for doing so are based on some of the facts and statistics highlighted below: i. ii. India has the highest population of stray dogs in the world, an estimated 19 million. 0% of all rabies deaths world-wide occur in India, about 30,000 deaths reported each year. iii. iv. 42% of dog-bite victims are children Noise pollution caused by night fights between dog-packs is a severe problem for senior citizens. v. Stray dogs on runways have forced pilots to take evasive action, causing near-accidents to aircraft and necessitating orders from the Mumbai High Court to IAAI to take all necessary measures to clear airport areas of stray dogs. UNDERSTANDING THE â€Å"STRAY DOG† ISSUE: â€Å"Stray dogs† are the ownerless, abandoned, un-muzzled, wandering dogs on the urban road, i. . Free-ranging urban dogs (wikipedia). This means either they are ownerless right from their birth, or become ownerless at some point in their lifetime. These may be pure-bred, true mixed-breed, or un-bred (e. g. Indian pariah). Overpopulation of these stray dogs can cause public health problems for the societies in which they wander freely. The important point to be understood here is that – the societies at risk are majorly the URBAN societies. A lot of literature regarding the stray dogs talks in the context of urban landscape only.Hence it is imperative to understand the reason behind strays becoming a nuisance/menace/problem for the urban landscape, but not majorly for the rural landscape. Is it an URBAN MENACE? Stray dogs or the Indian pariahs are considered scavengers. Principally, this means that they live on the scraps or leftovers from the human households. This is not shocking as history tells us that dogs are those descendants from the wolves which got domesticated due to the humans using them in their hunting expeditions, and rewarding them by passing over chunks of meat or leftovers from the kill.This also implies that this particular evolution of the wolf species has been artificially induced by the humankind. This backdrop is essential in the light of the dis cussion ahead, as the SCAVENGER nature or utility feature is a part of the domestication feature during the evolution of the dogs. Since ancient times, dogs domesticated around villages serving two primary functions. These being: A. Sanitation B. Security As dogs used to live off on the scraps and the edible waste from the house-holds, they became scavengers in addition to the other natural scavenger animals (including birds).This also meant that they served as an important step in the maintenance of hygiene of the villages by performing effective waste management. In the urban scenario, such a natural waste management system is of no use as there are better waste management systems at disposal. This led to scarcity in the natural food (leftovers) for dogs, leading to the usual survival phenomena of forming packs and searching for food. Hence, this puts the urban society at risk. But given the open access to garbage (a result of improper waste management) in urban areas of developin g countries, dogs have found a way to live and breed freely.Hence, the resultant has been that the stray dog-population has been on a rise even when mass-killing was in place. So the technique of control is not a problem in first place, but the lack of proper waste management in the urban scenario. This also brings out an important hypothesis – â€Å"Population control measure of any kind is bound to fail in absence of proper urban waste management systems which lead to free-access of these stray animals to waste which acts as their source of food. † Dogs are territorial animals – that means they guard their territory, not just from other dogs but from anyone they perceive as intruders.This is a feature which has been exploited / put to use by the humans for decades of their symbiosis together. But in the urban setting, this utility feature is not put to use at all, except the use of certain breeds of dogs (mainly nonIndian origin) for security/guarding purpose. The innate guarding nature of dogs lead to these strays barking on beggars entering into new territories, attacking speeding vehicles ONLY DURING NIGHT TIMES, etc. An interesting example to prove this case is the instance of a few stray dogs barking on the 26-11 attackers when they landed by a ferry in Mumbai.These strays were continuously barking at those people trying to make the locals aware that they are sensing some deviation from the normal – perhaps sensing a major threat. But the locals chose to ignore this, and the rest is a fateful history. This also brings out an important hypothesis – â€Å"Stray dogs are nuisance in urban settings not because they are not a fit in the urban environment, but because we haven’t been able to tap into their innate abilities and utilize them for maintain the centuriesold symbiosis between the two species. †ANALYSIS/EVALUATION/CRITIQUE OF THE FACTS: i. India has the highest population of stray dogs in the world, a n estimated 19 million. A simple look at this fact makes us think that it is time to control this population. But a deeper understanding of dynamics of dog population will clear a lot of air. Dog populations follow a specific growth curve – the initial being an EXPONENTIAL growth curve, followed by decrease in birth rate and increase in death rate reaching equilibrium depending on the carrying capacity of the environment to keep this balance.The carrying capacity of environment means the availability, distribution and quality of resources (shelter, food and water) which aid the natural growth of dog population. (Jimenez-Coello) This also implies that dog population control measure cannot be seen independent of the factors which impact it. Hence, control on the carrying factors is a pre-requisite for the direct control measures like â€Å"sterilization† to actually succeed. ii. 80% of all rabies deaths world-wide occur in India, about 30,000 deaths reported each year. R abies is a preventable viral disease transmitted through the saliva of INFECTED animals.Dogs are the most common source of transmission to humans. The control measures adopted currently are the â€Å"Vaccination programs† against rabies. Now the efficacy of such a program depends on a lot of factors which involve maintaining the cold storage or cold supply chain of the vaccine, administering the vaccine when the dog is normal health, administering in puppy stage, regular annual vaccination, etc. The question which arises here is how a stray dog, living in open conditions, can be made to confirm to all the above criteria. Hence, the efficacy of this system will always be questionable.Also, a major loophole exists in actual implementation of this measure – the number of dogs vaccinated by any animal welfare organization is simply taken at the face-value by the AWB. Shouldn? t there be a correlation between the population of dogs in a given area, number of dogs vaccinated and number of rabies incidents reported/found? This should be an evaluation criterion to confirm if the organization is efficient in performing the objective of rabies control. iii. Noise pollution caused by night fights between dog-packs is a severe problem for senior citizens.Do dogs bark only when they fight? If yes, do they occur only during the night? Many such questions can be raised to actually test the truth behind this fact. Yes, barking leads to noise pollution, disturbance during night etc. but dogs bark when they feel threatened OR perceive someone to be a threat to their territory. We also need to prepare a report on number of petty thefts (stealing car audio, burglary etc. ) being prevented due to stray dogs barking at night. That would be a valid critique for the above fact. THE SOLUTION (Combination of CONTROL and UTILITY)A unique model which suits a developing nation like INDIA needs to be created for ensuring that the dog population doesn? t actually become a mena ce to the society. A species which has long been living in harmony and symbiosis with the human race since ages, doesn? t mutate into a pest for humans – just because we haven? t found a utility of this domesticated species. Along with ANIMAL BIRTH CONTROL PROGRAM and VACCINATION PROGRAM, a „COLLECTIVE PETTING? methodology is proposed which is as follows: POLICE SYSTEM Aid to curb urban crime (theft, burglary, etc) Search & Rescue assistance during DISASTERS.EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Involving students in proper care of strays. Development of a broader understanding of urban environmental balance in students. Development of caring attitude for animals in students. – NGO’s Driving force of this entire project VETERINARY HEALTHCARE Preventive Health care system. Market research. Outsourcing of food & medicines for the project. Efficient implementation of the project. – – Main co-ordinator between all the key players. Think-Tank for this entire p roject. – HOUSING SOCIETIES Collective Adoption of Stray dogs. Better security solution. Reduction in menace to the society.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Progressive era Essay

The Progressive Era was a period of social and political reformation that flourished under the leadership of President Woodrow Wilson. When the United States entered World War 1 on April 6, 1917, the whole nation was united under a moral cause. However, the war quickly busied Americans creating no time for Progressive movements and the events following the war put an end to the Era all together. During the beginning of the war, Wilson’s foreign policy was to remain on a neutral tide. With his reelection, he even won against Charles Hughes under his slogan, â€Å"He kept us out of war†, that persuaded Americans that choosing Hughes would lead them into direct contact with the war. Americans united under this foreign policy trying to stay out of European affairs under the philosophy of isolationism. When Germany’s unauthorized submarines caused for the sinking of the RMS Lusitania and their efforts chose to continue unrestricted submarine warfare the United States was infuriated. This is one factor that kept the United States busy with working to remain excluded from war. However, President Wilson addressed to Congress and declared he wanted â€Å"to make the world safe for democracy†, leading America into World War 1, under this moral cause. (Doc 2) Now that the United States was in the war, Americans started to become less concerned with social reforms and busier working, supporting, and fighting the war together. Women, for one, took over the jobs of all the men who went out to war, and worked to supply the belligerents, keeping women very busy. The United States Food Administration, under Herbert Hoover, promoted rationing of food through â€Å"Meatless Mondays† and â€Å"Wheatless Wednesdays†. This helped to conserve food and save for those fighting overseas. (Doc 6) Trench warfare was how most of World War 1 was fought and living in these trenches was rather a tough condition. This ensured that supporting and working hard together in America for our men was required to aid their health and capability of being able to fight effectively. (Doc 3) The war ended with a high number of casualties for America. Many of these casualties resulted from the influenza epidemic that attacked the world’s population and battle fights, such as those that occurred highly within the use of trenches. (Doc 3) This high death effected lives of Americans and their families, keeping them from being motivated to continue the Progressive movement. The Treaty of Versailles created at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, put an end to World War 1, but did so with a lot of problems. President Wilson, as devised in his 14 Point Peace Plan called for a creation of a League of Nations, an international peace organization. This organization caused for a split in American views. The United States, as a majority, voted not to join, as it took away the power of Congress to declare war and would ruin America’s self-determination. (Doc 9) This split in decision effected formally agreeing and creating more social reforms. The Progressive Era ended with World War 1, as many Americans were too busy with a plethora of events to help the United States fight the war. When the United States entered the war, they were morally united under a new crusade. However, they had to put their further ideas of reformations on hold as the war demanded serious attention to be fought effectively. The further Americans became deeply involved into the war, the further attention was dragged away from the progressive movement. Even after the war was over, Americans were still busy caught up in dealing with the aftermath and the approach of another worldwide outbreak.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discussion questions1-10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion questions1-10 - Essay Example Java supports polymorphism excellently in terms of, Inheritance, method overloading and method overriding. It is the method overriding which allows java to invoke method based on a particular object during run-time, other than the usual declared type while coding. It is very important to identify candidate solutions to make sure that all of the viable approach had been evaluated. The candidate solution is the toolkit of technologies and it helps in achieving the desired goals. An architectural spike is a test implementation of a small part of the applications overall design or architecture. The purpose is to analyze a technical aspect of a specific piece of the solution in order to validate technical assumptions, choose between potential designs and implementation strategies, or sometimes to estimate implementation timescales. A baseline architecture describes the existing system ,it is how your system looks today. If this is a new architecture, your initial baseline is the first high-level architectural design from which candidate architectures will be built. A candidate architecture includes the application type, the deployment architecture, the architectural style, technology choices, quality attributes, and crosscutting concerns. I will c hoose architectural spike because it is a very effective way to refine and evolve a solutions design regardless of the development approach adopted. There exist various technical means of protecting copyright of intellectual property on the Web. Encryption is widely used method to protect the content on the web. Before the distribution of the content begins, encryption algorithm is run, thereby providing the means to reverse the algorithm only by the devices that could understand it. Therefore, it curtails the accessibility of the content in its original form to certain devices alone. Watermarks and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Applications of magnetic nanoparticles in biomedicine Essay

Applications of magnetic nanoparticles in biomedicine - Essay Example Because of the extensive uses of MNPs (magnetic nanoparticles) in biomedical, biotechnology, substance science, engineering, and environmental discipline, much concentration has been given to the combination of different MNPs. Magnetic nanoparticles provides some attractive potentials in biomedicine. The first one is that they have controllable sizes varying from a small number of nanometres to tens of nanometres, which puts them at sizes that are lesser than or equivalent to sizes of a protein (5–50 nm) a virus (20–450 nm), a gene (2 nm wide and 10–100 nm long) or a cell (10–100ÃŽ ¼m) (Pankhurst et al. 2003). In this essay the analysis addresses the underlying features of the biomedical applications of MNPs. After reassessing some of the pertinent basic conceptions of magnetism, comprising the categorization of diverse magnetic resources and how magnetic features can exert a force at a space, the paper concerns with considering four particular application s: drug delivery, magnetic separation, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and hyperthermia treatments contrast improvement. The usage of tiny particles in vitro assessments has been done for almost 40 years (Sun et al.2000). This is because to a number of advantageous factors comprising a big surface area to volume ratio, and the likelihood of ever-present tissue convenience (Goya et al. 2008). Nanoparticles that have magnetic features offer exhilarating new chances including enhancing the quality of MRI, hyperthermic therapy for malignant cells, site-oriented drug delivery.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

This is a discussion Question Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

This is a discussion Question - Research Paper Example First and foremost, examine the strengths and weaknesses of Evidence Based care Practices. The use of self-assessment such as that experimented by Gale (2009), can assist to identify business strengths and barriers in developing Evidence Based Practice efforts. Additionally, educating and training should be enacted since the two ways can add knowledge and reinforce practitioners’ viewpoint about the advantages of Evidence Based Practice as explained by Varnell, 2008. Clinicians may panic that they will seem to be deficient of proficiency, and familiarity will provide them self-assurance in shaping an evidence foundation for their practice. Furthermore, fashioning an atmosphere that encourages curious approach about medical care serves as a good strategy. The strategy can be attained through finding opportunities for finest practices and questioning existing practice. Moreover, it can be fulfilled by building a custom in which Evidence Based Practice is esteemed, assisted and anticipated. Regardless of the hindrances encountered in executing evidence-based practice in scientific practice, it is essential to form systems and procedures that decrease these limitations. In spite of the structures within which the clinician practices, there is a logical move toward discovering and documenting the preeminent potential evidence for practice. The procedure involves defining a problem, for example, a clinical problem. Followed by identification and appraisal of the significant probable evidence, and sketching conclusions regarding best

Law Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Law Assignment - Essay Example When we order a car or a thing there is a need to have a agreement between them and us. Usually those agreements will be in printed with the dealers and we unmindfully sign them as we do not anticipate any grievous on toward incidents. Though the problems occur rare the business people will be aware and will be careful in framing their agreements in putting all the onus on the customer in case of any unforeseen disasters. In the case of the advertisement company actually they agreed for the contract just by ignorance of two new employees. After that Jay signed the contract ignoring to see the details of payment and liability terms. As the payment was typed 10 times the one agreed at the oral agreement and liability of the company was completely nullified by putting a rider in small letter that even any fault and ignorance of its own employees also was not to be bore by the company. The fourth one may be about the health and inability caused to tom chews. The prescription of on-site doctor resulted in diarrhea (though the medicine was given by wrongly reading of the spoiled prescription paper). But the responsibility lies solely with company as they provided a doctor. There were no details about the on-site treatment of the actors. But by seeing the case and behavior of Jay and her signing of advertisement contract one can predict that she might have not followed necessary precautions in contract with Tom chews about the maintenance of him on site. The last one may be about the promoting of the film in the prescribed time. As the advertising company bagged order for large amount for the small execution and was not intended to work; this may also cause a severe trouble for the Production Company as they has to face the problem of non execution of contract. Breach of Contract When a company and a worker enter into a contract and a dispute arises between them due to some reason. Here the dispute is injury of the workers (actors) on site. This made the work to come to a halt. When the company tried to hire new workers (actors) without settling terms with the old ones, they have all the right to sue the company. It was not mentioned whether the contracts with Bruce Spillis and Brad Spitt were settled (cancelled) or not. But by the way Jay handled the situations and contracts and the information she received about the execution it seems that she did not settled the terms with the former workers (actors.) This entitles the workers to fight in court for compensation. But if company tries to defend itself that it is their negligence that made them injured on site and prove it will be of some help in winning the case. It is difficult but not impossible. If the company succeeds in proving the negligence of workers they have to pay. But if it is not the case the co mpany has to pay for old workers a full payment or reinstating them in to work. Though there is a chance for the company to prove its innocence there was very little chance

Friday, July 26, 2019

History of East Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

History of East Africa - Essay Example Slavery is defined as a condition whereby a person, known as a slave is under the control of another. Slavery almost always occurs for the purpose of securing labor. History dictates that those who become slaves had different ethnicity, nationality, religion, sex or race than the dominant group, typically taken prisoner as a result of war. Capture meant death or slavery if one paid no ransom. Social entities characterized with poverty, overpopulation, and cultural and technological lag are frequently exported as slaves to more developed nations.The nature of the slavery differed greatly across the continent. There were large plantations toiled by slaves in Egypt, Sudan and Zanzibar, but this was not a typical use of slaves in Africa as a whole. Slaves were protected and incorporated into the slave-owning family while in others, slaves were brutally abused, and even used for human sacrifices.The practice of slavery and slave trade existed in Africa long before the Europeans arrived (B eck. 2004). Slaves were regarded as investment of local chiefs, kings, merchants and dependent royal subjects for personal gains and revenue as well as performing administrative or military duties. Prior to the European conquest, slavery was a tool in building and strengthening states. In the period of the European colonization, slave trade changed dramatically causing internal divisions among African societies (Amber. 2004). The Oyo-Dahomey Wars, local/regional conflicts among the Asante, and internal division within the Congo kingdoms helped the Europeans acquire slaves in exchange for textiles, guns and ammunitions to expand their territories. The Europeans benefited from this by shipping off the slaves to the plantations of the Americas. As a result the African societies experienced a drastic change depopulating skilled craftsmen and increased wars among tribes (Cooper. 1980). Families were torn apart and children that were left behind became vulnerable to being captured by riva l tribesman (Amber. 2004). The slave trade as a result expanded because of the participation of African rulers and merchants (Beachey. 1976) in the international exchange economy, involving the exports of humans. Africans were manipulated and used by Europeans through the domination of Africa's natural resources (Cooper. 1980). In the beginning of European involvement in Africa, they were initially interested in trading with Africans for their gold, slaves, ivory, and other resources. Europeans began trading in Africa in the 15th century, mainly getting gold and slaves. When they reached the eastern coast of Africa, their prime interest shifted to controlling and securing trade routes to India. For a few centuries, European involvement in Africa was mostly contained to the coastal regions. In the East, the Omanis gained nominal control of the islands, but until the reign of Sayyid (1804-56) they took little interest in them (Nwulia. p13-14. 1975). Sayyid recognized the commercial value of East Africa and increasingly turned his attention to Zanzibar and Pemba, where he permanently relocated his court into (Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 2006). He brought many Arabs with him, and they gained control of Zanzibar's fertile soil, forcing most of the Hadimu to migrate to the eastern part of the island. The Hadimu were obliged to work on the clove plantations. Sayyid controlled much of the East where Zanzibar became the main center of ivory and slave trade (Cooper.1980). Some of them were used on the clove plantations while others were exported to other parts overseas. With Zanzibar's trade being administered by Omanis' who organized caravans into the interior of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Senufo Kponyungo Mask Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Senufo Kponyungo Mask - Research Paper Example This means that the antelope is a representation of particular species, something that explains some significant differences in style, which are observed in most collections(Chicago, 1997). Therefore Kponyungo masks seem to be quite sophisticated than most of the austere kinds of the Gbon and following the 1950s, they were coated with sumptuous polychrome beautifications. Whereas the Gbon has got only the figure of a chameleon on its crest, the Kponyungo masks usually have a myriad of figures, which varies to some extent from one mask to the other one. A bird (long crested helmet shrike, hornbill or fish eagle) biting a chameleon that is attached to form of cup, is a common grouping. The cup is a refers to a container for mysterious leaves and herbs. Another component can be figure of a female, which is an addition to the muzzle of the mask. Intermittently, mysterious bundle of feathers and porcupine quills is put into the holes on the muzzle and head; however it is not a constant characteristic as it usually is with the artisan helmet masks. Thus, the most important characteristics are the antelope horns and the warthog tusks. The costume is made up of jump suit, straight –cut legs, drawstring neck with sleeves(feet and hands permitted to indicate contrast to the conventional (Gbon raffia costume)decorated in sienna brown or deep red dyes with figurative and geometric patterns. Each and every suit has got a distinctive design. There are other attributes for this piece of art. The masker usually carries a big, double-membrane, drum that is cylindrical beaten with a supple bludgeonlike stick. Later on, the Kponyungo is then usually accompanied by an age-mate, who comes playing the very sacred of the Kufulo Poro community drums, a cylindrical, long narrow one which is played using a bent stick. When it comes to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Risk Management Policy (NHS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Risk Management Policy (NHS) - Essay Example This industry is susceptible to many types of risk. For example three percent of America’s $1.7 trillion annual healthcare expenditure is lost due to fraud and over charging (Lexisnexis, 2007). This paper analyzes the risk management policy of a company in the healthcare industry called NHS Greater Glasgow. The focus of the analysis is on the impact of the risk management policy on the managerial team and regular staff of employees. Risk management is taken very seriously at NHS Greater Glasgow. For this company the risk management function is an effort that is accomplished by the cooperation of all the employees working for the firm. The current risk management policy in place in this company was establish in 2005 after the policy underwent a rigorous evaluation process that obtain input from a lot of decision makers in this enterprise working in different division of the company dispersed across the entire country. The application of the policy involves both the regular staff and the managerial staff. The workers in this company were trained in the risk management policy of the company. The function of the non-managerial staff is to actively report incidents and accidents of occurrences, near misses and to make recommendations on how to improve the internal system of the unit they work for. The company has a corporate culture that encourages participation from all employees and any feedback from any member of the organization is analyzed to make continuous improvement of the system. The functions of the managerial staff regarding the application of its risk management policy are: managing risk, performance monitoring, gathering accurate risk information, incorporating effective communication systems and promoting continuous improvements. At the executive managerial level the staff keeps close relationships with its partners and uses a philosophy of mutual cooperation in order to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Reflection of Kolb Learning Styles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reflection of Kolb Learning Styles - Assignment Example Overall, learning styles are imperative since they assist schools to appreciate the disparities among students and strategize accordingly on how to accommodate the learning diversity (Kolb & Kolb 2005, 194).The article analyses the research that relate to ELT and the nine regions of learning. Background The article commences by acknowledging the diversity among learners. Consequently, the article seeks to reveal the research undertaken to understand learners. The article begins by establishing categories of all learners. The categories enlist students with similar learning tendencies. The tendencies include concrete experience (CE), abstract conceptualization (AC), reflective observation (RO) and active experimentation (AE). These tendencies assist student in grasping experience. The article dwells into the research undertaken to establish ELT. The research realizes that it is not only important to study the learner but also the environment surrounding the subject. This reveals that learning tendencies also vary with the subject’s environment. Researching beyond the learner enlarges the scope of studies relating to ELT. Lewin pioneered in this field by stating that individual’s characteristics are not only genetic, but also emanate from prolonged interaction with the environment. Therefore, learning is a composite aspect to study due to the numerous variables (Kolb & Kolb 2005, 196). The latter stages of the article analyse learning tendencies among mature student in higher learning institutions. This research enacts diverse case studies to evaluate undergraduates, art students and MBA students. Therefore, the research makes research across the education field. This aims at establishing whether the methods of learning vary depending on the level of schooling (Atherton 2011). The studies culminate with means to promote learning in the higher education. The research identifies means to improve education and makes in-depth elaborations of these strat egies. This denotes application of this research, which seeks to understand learning. The article also notes the role that institutions have in improving learning by promoting research and relevant research (Kolb & Kolb 2005, 194). Reflection Overall, this article seeks to disclose the diverse leaning tendencies. However, to understand them, it is imperative to comprehend the relevant theoretical work. The relevant theory work is ELT. The theory work analyses the diverse learner that exists. The assertion of the theory work emanate from research. Understanding learners will be imperative to the improvement of education. The identification of learner will assist the schools to plan adequately as they understand how to optimize the potential of most students. However, in order to discover the relevant information, there is a need for further research. The article begins by acknowledging the role that the environment assumes in shaping an individual’s learning tendencies. This p rovides one of the factors that influence learning as the learning space. The article outlines the learning tendencies that including converging, diverging, assimilating and accommodating. These learning tendencies have diverse modes of grasping and transforming experience. The research on learning space reveals different regions. The naming of the regions depends on the impact on the learner or the individual’s capabilities utilized to acquire knowledge under

Monday, July 22, 2019

Romance and Foundations Common Characteristics Essay Example for Free

Romance and Foundations Common Characteristics Essay Courtly love is characterized by the poetry of the troubadours in southern France which originated in in the late 11th c. Its ennobling effect on the male lover who assumes a subservient position in relation to the beloved, of the woman loved, and certain codes of conduct, whether implicit or explicit, that guide the lover in his amorous pursuit (COURTLY LOVE2012). After rereading the poem several times and understanding why she is saying what she said it was understandable for women to express their forbidden feelings through poetry. It’s surprising to learn that true love began in the medieval days. My Reactions to the Expression Romantic Love My reaction to romantic love is the need to express your true deep feeling for another in such a way that one could compare it to the feelings and loyalty showed in worshiping their God or Goddess. Surprising Contents Yes the content of the poetry surprised me totally. I have never absorbed the concept of what was being said in a poem or why it was said, but now I see that lust and adultery stated perhaps from the beginning of time. It seems in today’s world it’s written and expressed in poems lot less and committed more often than medieval days. Observation and Connections The observation and connection I gather about the role of women and their freedom of speech is very open and unconcerned by their husband if Contessa de Dia’s poem â€Å"Cruel Are the Pains I’ve Suffered,† from Lark in the Morning:† was written and published (Sayre, H. M. 2010). Contessa de Dia poem is really expletive and just written to the lust of her eyes, she talking like as if her husband can’t read. These female troubadours had noble backgrounds and they lived privileged lives. Women during this period also had power in that society. They had control over their land, and society was more accepting their noble women. Maybe it was of no concern because it was just feelings on paper or perhaps because of their nobility and power they were allowed to pursue their affairs with the person of whom they lusted. References COURTLY LOVE. (2012). COURTLY LOVE. The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012. Credo Reference. Web. 21 February 2013. Sayre, H.M. (2010). Discovering the Humanities. 2nd Ed. pp.166- 167. Pearson

Electric circuit Essay Example for Free

Electric circuit Essay Every time a charged atom hits the net it loses some of its charge, therefore the longer the wire the larger the chance of the charged electrons colliding with the net and losing some of their charge therefore increasing the resistance. Width of wire: The width of a wire will affect the resistance because the wider a wire the more space in the net for the charged electrons to get through without colliding with the net and therefore decreasing the resistance. It is like letting a lot of water out of a small hole; it would go slowly, whereas with a bigger hole it flows out faster. Temperature of wire: The temperature of the wire would affect the resistance because as the wire gets hotter the net begins to vibrate because they are given more energy; this therefore makes it harder for the charged electrons to get through the net without colliding with it and causing resistance. Therefore the higher the temperature the higher the resistance. Material of wire: The material of a wire would affect it resistance because different materials have different resistivity because the have different nets. Some of the nets may have smaller holes that others and this would increase the resistance because there would be a larger chance of the atoms colliding. Similarly some materials may have larger nets, which would mean that there would be a lesser chance of the atoms colliding. The variable that I am going to change is going to be the resistance because I think it will be the easiest to change with the apparatus I have available to me and I think it will give fair results. Research So far I have taken a lot of information from my G. C. S. E.textbook but some of my work has come from the Internet. I used many different search engines but the two main engines, which I used, were www. ask. com and www. google. com and here is some of the information, which I got by using these engines: Resistance alloy data Material Nominal Resistivity Microhm. cm Maximum Operating Temp i C Density g/cm3 Nominal Temp Coeffic. of Resistance. This information was very useful because the type of wire I am going to use is Nickel Chrome and it has a lot of information on it and it tells me its resistivity. Prediction I predict that as the length increases the resistance will also increase in proportion to it. I think this because the longer the wire the longer the net of atoms and therefore the larger the chance of the electrons colliding with the net and losing some of their charge. Therefore if the length is doubled the resistance should also double, because the length of the wire has doubled therefore the amount of atoms will have doubled so the amount of collisions should double. When I draw a graph it should hopefully show that the length is directly proportional to the resistance. The diagram below should show this more clearly: Apparatus Meter rule to measure out the length of the wire. 1-meter length of nickel chrome wire to test its resistivity. Ohmmeter to measure the resistance of the wire. Crocodile clips to connect the ohmmeter to the wire. Wires to connect the ohmmeter to the crocodile clips. Masking tape to stick the wire to the ruler. Preliminary Work I did some tests to see what distance I needed to space my readings at and this is what I got: Length (mm) Resistance (ohms) My preliminary results have shown that altering the length by 10mm is too little because the resistance gain is too uneven, but if I change the length by too much i. e. 500mm the gap is too large. Therefore I am going to take my results every 50mm. I also found that the wires connecting the ohmmeter to the wire had a resistance of 0. 3mm so I will have to To make it a fair test I need to make sure that I keep all of the other variables the same. I will use the same wire every time and in I will use it again in my repeat experiment, so that the width and material of the wire will remain the same. The temperature of the wire will be very hard to keep constant because each time an electron collides with the net its energy change from electrical to heat therefore every time the atoms collide with the electrons the wire will heat up. Hopefully this will not affect my experiment too much because I am only going up to a meter in length therefore it should not heat up too much. Diagram My apparatus will be set up like so: Method 1. First I will gather up all the needed apparatus and set it up as above. 2. Then making sure that one of the crocodile clips is on exactly 0mm and that the other is on exactly 100mm I would take a reading. 3. Before I record the reading I would make sure that the ohmmeter had come to a complete stop and was not flashing. 4. I would the repeat this every 50mm until my I got to 1000mm making sure that the first crocodile clip was always on 0mm. 5. Then I would repeat the whole experiment making sure that I used the same wires so that the width and material of the wire were kept constant. 6. Whilst repeating the experiment I would make sure that I did it in the same place as before because if I repeated it next to a radiator the resistance would go up. Results Length Of Wire (mm) Results 1 (Ohms) Results 2 (Ohms) Average (1dp) (Ohms). Explanation Of Results My first set of results has an anomalous result, which is circled on the first graph. This could be because I did not wait for the ohmmeter to settle and I took the reading too quickly. My second and average set of results are good with no anomalous results and they show a definite relation between the resistance and the length of the wir they show that as the length goes up so does the resistance. In my prediction said that if the length doubles so should the resistance and my first set of results show that at a length of 250mm the resistance was 5. 2W and at a length of 500mm the resistance was 10. 1W which is very close to my predicted answer. Conclusion I think that my experiment went quite well because all my graphs had straight lines showing a strong relationship between the length and the resistance. But I could have improved this method in a couple of ways. For example I should have used pointers instead of crocodile clips because they are far more accurate, this is because they have a far smaller tip than crocodile clips and they would give a more accurate measurement of the wire. Also pointers would not have compressed the wire like crocodile clips. Crocodile clips have a spring in the to keep them shut and this could have compressed the wire therefore increasing the resistance. I also should have been more careful about making sure the wire was taught when I took the readings because if it was loose it would have been a longer length that the one I thought I was reading. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Electricity and Magnetism section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Facts about the cruel abuse of animals

Facts about the cruel abuse of animals This argument has facts about the cruel abuse of animals. The research was informative and disappointing all at once. It includes opinions of others and cases that have happened in the past years. The research was gathered y reading articles, newspapers, and search engines such as Google and New York Times. One main difficulty while writing this essay was having to read about the horrible truth of different types of animal cruelty. The easiest thing about writing this essay was researching because animal cruelty is a common argument. Animal Cruelty Animals are being used for useless products that we can live without. Many animals die due to different types of crucial testing. They suffer by going through several procedures. The goal is not to patch up ailing people but to use the human tissues in place of mice, dogs or other lab animals for testing new drugs, cosmetics and other products (New York Times, nd). With the donation of human cells, animal testing will be reduced. This way is safer can be both suited for animals and humans. Different types of animal cruelty have been around for many years. Laws relating to animal cruelty vary from state to state. As of 2009, about forty-six states have some felony provisions in their anti-cruelty and/or animal fighting laws (Wisch, 2005). As time passes and new things are being invented, people seem to loose interest in their pets. Even though people use animals for their testing/experiments, there are other ways to get a solution to something. Scientist and many others, find it easier and safer to test on animals than to test on other possible sources. They test products such as makeup, and cologne. They also use animal fur for designer clothing other types of fashion. Innocent animal rights movement had a bible; it is Singers 1975 book, Animal Liberation  (New York Times, Jan. 15, pg 30). Singer calls many of the attitudes human beings have toward other animals speciesism, a concept which can be found throughout history (Gargaro, 1991). Humans are just like animals as far as feeling pain. Many animals are killed each year for food. More than a thousand animals are killed and shipped to groceries stores to be bought. Slaughtering of cows, pigs, and other animals, happen everyday because consumers keep purchasing meat. Animals on todays factory farms are kept in crowded, filthy enclosures and denied everything natural and enjoyable to them. Most of them have no legal protection from cruelty that would be illegal if it were inflicted on dogs or cats. There are some fruits or vegetables that can give the same protein as meat. The Humane Slaughter Act requires that animals be rendered unconscious with one swift application of a stunning device before slaughter. Animals in slaughterhouses predict the worse when they smell the stench hear the sounds and often see the slaughter of those before them. As the animals struggle to cooperate with the human workers who are pressured to keep the lines moving quickly, often react abusively towards the animals.   Numerous cases of de liberate cruelty have been reported of workers who take sadistic pleasure from shooting the eyes out of cattle, striking them in the head, and electrically shocking them in sensitive areas of their bodies. The animals central nervous and endocrine systems are no different between humans. To minimize costs, animals are crowded and must live in each others excrement. They are exposed to extreme weather conditions in the open trucks. Shipping fever, which can be fatal, is common in cattle transported long distances to the feedlots, the stockyards and then the slaughterhouse (Compassionate Action Institute, nd). Animal cruelty can be either neglecting or simply failing at taking care of an animal. No matter the position of the animal, the victim can suffer terribly. People with emotional problems harm the animals in different ways. Neglect is not giving an animal the right care it should be given. Animals who die of neglect suffer twice as much as animals, who die of mistreatment. Scientist can do horrible things to animals that other people cant do legally, but every state has some protection for pets like dogs and cats. There are different cases in animal cruelty, for example cockfighting and dog fighting. Animal cruelty has not gone away. In Brea, California, 85 children, from kindergarten through 12th grade, witnessed a cow being slaughtered at Carbon Canyon Christian School, according to PETA Action Alerts. They got to experience the cruel act instead of reading it in books. Chances are if an animal is being abused and there is a child in that household, then the child is also being abu sed. Chances are that a child abusing an animal can grow up to be someone who commits other violent crimes. Studies also found that a history of animal abuse was found in 25% of male criminals, 30% of convicted child molesters, 36% of domestic violence cases and 46% of homicide cases (The National Animal Abuse Registry, nd). Vegetarians examine the animals that are abused ad rig its perpetrators to court. People engage in animal cruelty, everywhere throughout the world. There are many reasons why people mistreat animals, some individuals act on sadistic desires; others neglect them and eat them without caring. Animals are used as dummies because people think they arent harming anyone by doing so. In the past few years, organizations and caring human beings have been using the internet to spread facts of animal cruelty, a great plan considering animal abuse will only continue until enough people come face-to-face with the unbarring truth. To fight this many scientists, authors, lawyers, and politicians have valued their time and money to save suffering animals. Thanks to the individuals who gathered animal cruelty facts, people are now noticing the suffering ad mistreatment they undergo. The incredible gift of medicine would not be possible without animal testing. Those who believe that using animals for testing think that its better to have them endure the product first for safe purposes. The things that make people believe that animal testing is wrong are that they believe that what the scientists do is with bad intensions. Scientists dont do it with bad intensions they do it because it might save lives or cure an illness. For example, if scientists test a new drug that they think will cure a disease they can test it on an animal to see if their theory is right and if it is, they can use it on humans who have that disease. Animal testing is used in many different ways, but mainly to prevent harm from being brought upon humans. Animal testing is used in several areas of research drug testing, and the testing of cosmetics. Research investigates many topics including memory, social behavior, evolution, genetics, and how animals develop normally and abnormally. Drug te sting is used to test pharmaceutical drugs on animals before the drugs are exposed to the public for use. Cosmetic testing includes the final testing of a product or their ingredients either individually or combined. This testing is the most controversial and is banned in Europe (n.a, 2007). In the history of animal testing, many good things have come from it. The US Foundation for Biomedical Research says that animal research has played a vital role in virtually every major medical advance of the last century for both human and animal health. Animal drug testing on penicillin, organ transplants, was used in the creation of a vaccine for polio. There are some misconceptions about animal testing. Many people believe that dogs, cats, and monkeys are the main animals used in research, but in fact, about 90 percent of animals used are rats and mice. Only .1 percent of animals used are primates, and only .4 percent are cats and dogs. People also believe that stray animals are picked up off the street and thrown into labs for testing. Not only is that not done, but it is also illegal (William Hamblin, 2007). In the past 20 years the number of animals tested on has been cut in half. Few topics are more hair-raising than the controversy over fur. Celebrities use fur as a sense of fashion. An undercover expert at Intelligent Life points out, it is eco-hogwash to boast that something is better because it is made from natural or renewable fibers. (Caitlin Dickson, 2011). The truth is that the meat and leather trades are economically intertwined, and all the environmental issues that come with raising cattle for meat-such as habitat loss, emissions of greenhouse gases and resource use, not to mention the overuse of antibiotics-also apply to leather. So an alternative option is to look for skins that have a positive impact on habitat and wild-animal numbers. (Caitlin Dickson, 2011). A fur coat is a great way to keep warm. No matter what occasion, fur is always in style. Many top international designers are using fur in their collections. Fur is a fiber that lasts for many years. Fur is biodegradable and a renewable resource. Fur can be worn for all occasions. Furs can be used for any season. The fur trade is a proud North American heritage. Strict government controls ensure that trade is okay as longest on endangered are used. The fur trade is a responsible, and well-regulated. Animal cruelties can also be fighting of animals. The ASPCA is wiping out animal fighters and saving thousands of animals from the horrors of abuse. Animal fighting is a contest in which people force animals to fight for entertainment. In some instances, they will use weak animals as bait to train the other stronger animals. In organized dog fighting cases, two dogs are put into a ring or pit to fight until one can not continue or dies. Street dog fighting cases occur in many city locations. In cockfighting handlers attach a razor or gaff to each roosters leg and put them into a ring to fight to the death. Cockfighting is considered family entertainment. Organized animal fighting is usually secretive and very difficult for law enforcement to find. Accordingly, it is rare for investigators to find a fight in progress. Animal fighting activities relate to crimes such as gambling, drug dealing, weapons offenses and money laundering. Stealing of pets to fight them is also a crime. In organized animal fighting cases, there are usually a large number of animals who must be catalogued as evidence, provided with medical treatment, and sheltered during the pendency of the court case. Furthermore, security precautions may be necessary at the shelter because animals considered to be from champion bloodlines are in danger of being stolen. Mans best friend may fight to the death in dogfights, often with a lot of money in stake. Dogfighters sometimes kill the losing dogs, and even winning dogs may die from their wounds. Drugs, guns, and even murders are discovered in dogfights. Street dog fighting, however, is on the rise in urban areas. Neighborhood pit bull owners seek status or bragging rights of fights in back alleys or basements. They are making inroads into street dog fighting, too. All fighting dogs suffer, whether in the pit or out. Although they are pack animals, they get immune to fighting more dogs and live lives on chains or locked in cages. Whether any emotional problems, any animal should not be brutally beat. Neglect is a major impact o animals ad ca suffer terribly from it.. All states have animal cruelty laws, and most of them treat some forms of abuse as felonies. Farmers and researchers can do cruel things to animals that other people cant do legally, but all states have some protection for pets like dogs and cats. Animal neglect is the failure to provide care required for an animal to be successful. At first glance, cases may not seem as bad, but severe neglect can mean long periods of suffering, resulting to injury or death. Large amounts of neglect can affect hundreds of animals The Animal Legal Defense Fund maintains a database of criminal animal cruelty cases in the U.S. reported to our organization. In the last ten years, over 30% of cases that we have tracked involve animal neglect (n.a, 2010). Although animals can be used for finding a cure, shelter, or even making money, its wrong to abuse of them for personal needs. They are a big part in our lives and do not need to be abused for no reason. They are the victims.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

Theodore Roethek once wrote â€Å"In a dark time, the eye begins to see†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This means that in times of great trials and tribulations, when all seems lost; an inner sense of motivation kicks in. You get a new sense of direction and something is keeping you guided. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby illustrates this quote perfectly. In this novel, the characters, the conflicts, and everything in between are all intertwined through characterazation and symbolism. Jay Gatz made something of himself from starting with nothing, and in a time when he met so many new people and reunited with the love of his life, there seemed to be a tremendous â€Å"heat wave†.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From humble beginnings a man was able to elevate himself into the upper echelons of society and take back the only thing he ever loved, just to have it torn from him again; this is the life of The Great Gatsby   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Could you imagine a wonderful, rich, and famous life from a poor and wretched boyhood? If you could, Jason Gatz would be the man. Growing up, he was not â€Å"well off†, not even able to make ends meet. He however, had all the tools for success, he was bright, skilled, and perhaps a little to motivated. He enlisted in the army and even became a gentleman, much different than a poor country boy. He found a girl and fell in love†¦he was almost threatening with his love; he loved her perhaps a bit too much. He was a terrible liar too, he lied even to her to make her think he was rich, and when he came back home, he found out that she was gone and married. Jason Gatz was a man of commitment. He got a real job, changed his name to the more fashionable Jay Gatsby, and made millions. The house he bought was â€Å"coincidentally† right across the Bay from Daisy (his ex-love) and her husband Tom Buchannon. He was a desperate romantic, he threw tons of pa rties just hoping that she would show up at one, but she never did. All Gatsby could do, was stare out into the sound, looking at the green light on Daisy’s house. Go! He thought, now is the time to start things fresh, if only him and Nick could go get some lunch, then go get coffee, then they would go home and Gatsby would make his proposal.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Michael Porters Analysis Of Starbucks Essay -- essays research papers

Michael Porter, a Harvard Professor introduces his ideology of the Five Forces model that shapes the competition in the industry. Each force is interrelated and therefore leads into the other to show the elements directly involved in the further success or ultimate success of the firm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Starbucks Coffee Co. throughout its existence since 1971, with its great management team, innovative style of thinking and strong will to succeed in compliance with its mission and vision statements has and continues to overcome its barriers by recognizing such strategic planning as those included in Porter’s five forces model. The model includes such components as Barriers to Entry, Supplier and Buyer Power, Threat of Substitutions, and most importantly the Industry Competitors. Starbucks throughout its existence has addressed each and every one of Porters forces with a positive edge that has greatly contributed to the success of the company. Starbucks took many risks and spent capital that it really did not have. To build a corporation based on intuition and a trip to Italy has undoubtedly paid off in the long run which is evident throughout the year that Starbucks has been in operation. Howard Schultz, CEO and founder of the company, has stuck to his con viction not to â€Å"sacrifice long-term integrity and values for short-term profit.† He knew if he played his cards right and stuck to his guns it would only be a matter of time that Starbucks would become the world largest coffee industry in the world. He wanted the company to become and international outlet for coffee consumers which not only included men and woman but also addresses the needs and wants of those of all ages and nationalities, children, students and any other category of people that have and interest in Starbucks diverse product line. With constant dedication to the company’s vision and mission statement and believing in the value of market share and name recognition and how critical they are to the success of the company, he was able to achieve his goal within a few years. During this time of course he has been able to open a total of 1,100 stores and continues to do so until this day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Starbucks Coffee Co. continues to address the issues introduced in Porter’s Five-Force Model as such:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New Entrants (Barriers to Entry i... ...mployees). Starbucks also only acquires companies that comply with the ethical beliefs and standards set forth by the company because it is believed that this is the only way a company merger can survive or be successful in the long-term. When a foreign company does not comply with the standards set forth by them, Starbucks reacts instantaneously. An example of such an instance was in 1995 when they reacted to the neglectful treatment of the workers in Guatemala who were earning less than $3.00 a day, by enforcing a code of minimal working conditions and pay for foreign subcontractors. The company’s guidelines call for overseas suppliers to pay wages and benefits that â€Å"address the basic needs of workers and their families† and to only allow child labor when it does not interrupt required education (58-11).† Starbucks can be considered a trendsetter not only in products but also in the area of work ethics by sticking to its mission of the company and apply ing it whether working domestic or foreign. Starbucks is socially responsible and responsive to not only the issues affecting the company and the employees but also to that of the community through which they are able to exist. Michael Porters Analysis Of Starbucks Essay -- essays research papers Michael Porter, a Harvard Professor introduces his ideology of the Five Forces model that shapes the competition in the industry. Each force is interrelated and therefore leads into the other to show the elements directly involved in the further success or ultimate success of the firm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Starbucks Coffee Co. throughout its existence since 1971, with its great management team, innovative style of thinking and strong will to succeed in compliance with its mission and vision statements has and continues to overcome its barriers by recognizing such strategic planning as those included in Porter’s five forces model. The model includes such components as Barriers to Entry, Supplier and Buyer Power, Threat of Substitutions, and most importantly the Industry Competitors. Starbucks throughout its existence has addressed each and every one of Porters forces with a positive edge that has greatly contributed to the success of the company. Starbucks took many risks and spent capital that it really did not have. To build a corporation based on intuition and a trip to Italy has undoubtedly paid off in the long run which is evident throughout the year that Starbucks has been in operation. Howard Schultz, CEO and founder of the company, has stuck to his con viction not to â€Å"sacrifice long-term integrity and values for short-term profit.† He knew if he played his cards right and stuck to his guns it would only be a matter of time that Starbucks would become the world largest coffee industry in the world. He wanted the company to become and international outlet for coffee consumers which not only included men and woman but also addresses the needs and wants of those of all ages and nationalities, children, students and any other category of people that have and interest in Starbucks diverse product line. With constant dedication to the company’s vision and mission statement and believing in the value of market share and name recognition and how critical they are to the success of the company, he was able to achieve his goal within a few years. During this time of course he has been able to open a total of 1,100 stores and continues to do so until this day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Starbucks Coffee Co. continues to address the issues introduced in Porter’s Five-Force Model as such:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New Entrants (Barriers to Entry i... ...mployees). Starbucks also only acquires companies that comply with the ethical beliefs and standards set forth by the company because it is believed that this is the only way a company merger can survive or be successful in the long-term. When a foreign company does not comply with the standards set forth by them, Starbucks reacts instantaneously. An example of such an instance was in 1995 when they reacted to the neglectful treatment of the workers in Guatemala who were earning less than $3.00 a day, by enforcing a code of minimal working conditions and pay for foreign subcontractors. The company’s guidelines call for overseas suppliers to pay wages and benefits that â€Å"address the basic needs of workers and their families† and to only allow child labor when it does not interrupt required education (58-11).† Starbucks can be considered a trendsetter not only in products but also in the area of work ethics by sticking to its mission of the company and apply ing it whether working domestic or foreign. Starbucks is socially responsible and responsive to not only the issues affecting the company and the employees but also to that of the community through which they are able to exist.

Development Of The Human Zygote Essay -- essays research papers fc

Development of the Human Zygote Hundreds of thousands of times a year a single-celled zygote, smaller than a grain of sand, transforms into an amazingly complex network of cells, a newborn infant. Through cellular differentiation and growth, this process is completed with precision time and time again, but very rarely a mistake in the "blueprint" of growth and development does occur. Following is a description of how the pathways of this intricate web are followed and the mistakes which happen when they are not. The impressive process of differentiation changes a single-cell into a complicated system of cells as distinct as bold and bone. Although embryonic development takes approximately nine months, the greatest amount of cellular differentiation takes place during the first eight weeks of pregnancy. This period is called embryogenesis. During the first week after fertilization, which takes place in the Fallopian tube, the embryo starts to cleave once every twenty-four hours (Fig. 1). Until the eight or sixteen cell stage, the individual cells, or blastomeres, are thought to have the potential to form any part of the fetus (Leese, Conaghan, Martin, and Hardy, April 1993). As the blastomeres continue to divide, a solid ball of cells develops to form the morula (Fig. 1). The accumulation of fluid inside the morula, transforms it into a hollow sphere called a blastula, which implants itself into the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium (Fig. 1). The inner mass of the blastula will produce the embryo, while the outer layer of cells will form the trophoblast, which eventually will provide nourishment to the ovum (Pritchard, MacDonald, and Gant, 1985). Figure 1:Implantation process and development during embryogenesis (Pritchard, MacDonald and Gant, 1985) During the second week of development, gastrulation, the process by which the germ layers are formed, begins to occur. The inner cell mass, now called the embryonic disc, differentiates into a thick plate of ectoderm and an underlying layer of endoderm. This cellular multiplication in the embryonic disc marks the beginning of a thickening in the midline that is called the primitive streak. Cells spread out laterally from the primiti... ...e a normal infant. When something does go wrong, the embryo or fetus will unfortunately have some type of defect. The amazing accuracy with which a single cell can become something as complex as a newborn infant is a truley incredible feat! Works Cited Baker, David A. "Danger of Varicella-Zoster Virus Infection." Contemporary OB/GYN April 1990: 52. Carlson, Bruce M. Patten's Foundations of Embryology. McGraw-Hill Inc. 1981. Cunningham, MacDonald, and Gant. Williams Obstetrics, Supplement no. 10. 18th ed, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Februay/March 1991: 2,3. "Folic Acid for the Prevetion of Recurrent Neural Tube Defect." Medicine March 1993. Harrison, Ross G. Organization and Develpment of the Embryo. Yale University Press. 1969. Leese, Conaghan, Martin, and Hardy. "Early Human Embryo Metabolism." Bio Essays vol. 15, No. 4 April 1993: 259. Pritchard, MacDonald, and Gant. Williams Obstetrics. 17th ed, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1985: 139-142, 800. Pritchard, MacDonald, and Gant. Williams Obstetrics, Supplement no. 13. 17th ed, Prentice-Hall, Inc. July/August 1987: 2. "Teratology." ACOG Technical Bulletin February 1985.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bureaucracy in Tigbao Primary Multi Purpose Cooperative Inc.

INTRODUCTION Bureaucracy refers to the management of large organizations characterized by hierarchy of authority, fixed rules and regulations, impersonal relationships, rigid adherence to procedures, and a highly specialized division of labor. Bureaucracy is often associated with large entities such as government, corporations and non-governmental organizations. This includes businesses, government, education and religion. Bureaucracy connotes a rational, efficient method of accomplishing organizational goals as this would contribute to coordination and control in an organization. Max Weber, a German sociologist and political economist, gave much importance on rationality wherein efficient administration of formal rules and procedures takes place. This rationality usually occurs in almost all aspects replacing the traditional methods of social organization. Weber’s study on bureaucracy is based on ideal-type analysis and to develop this, Weber noted and has set ideal-type characteristics of bureaucratic organizations. These ideal characteristics include fixed division of labor, hierarchy of authority, creation of rules and regulations, selection based on qualifications and impersonality on personnel matters. Although not all organization acquire these characteristics, and does not fit exactly ideal type of bureaucracy, these would serve as criteria on an ideal bureaucracy present in the organization. Tigbao Primary Multi-Purpose Cooperative Inc. (TPMPCI) Tigbao, Libagon, Southern Leyte Ideal Characteristics of Bureaucracy Fixed division of labor. This refers to how the various tasks of a certain organization are divided up and being performed. The Tigbao Primary Multi-Purpose Cooperative Inc. does not possess this characteristic since their business focuses only on merchandising or trading goods and offer loan ervices to customers. In their trading business, as long as an employee knows the job and has a good educational background, she/he is qualified for the position held. Their work is not that too hard and does not require too much skills and specialization that’s why each employee can work in behalf of the other, if due to some cases such as absent, as long as he/she is very well-oriented. Also, in their loaning service, they hire employees based on his ability to handle the work and being able to know the work. Thus, the cooperative does not necessarily hire specialized experts and division of labor does not take place within the organization. Hierarchy of authority or chain of command. The hierarchy of authority in an organization is designed to benefit the company and the employees. The company grows with the strength of a competent managerial staff, and employees look to management to provide career development. A hierarchy is also a method of maintaining managerial integrity. When someone becomes a manager, she must prove to be competent, or else she will experience employee turnover. The hierarchy of authority in an organization is important to the sustained success of the company. The principles of office hierarchy and of levels of grade authority is present in the organization wherein their president or high ranking officer control and supervise the lower office or the lower levels in the organization. This clearly shows that the organization follow a chain of command which is very essential to the productivity and efficiency in the sense that lower levels also maintain the right to appeal the decisions made by the higher office. Thus, formal hierarchy would contribute to its centralization of the decisions made. Explicit Rules and Regulations. Rules and regulations are essential to one organization since it will be an aid in promoting workers efficiency. The Tigbao Primary Multi-Purpose Cooperative Inc. has certain rules employed by the organization to govern performance of workers. One of these is a standard rule in their organization that they should be on-time and avoid tardiness but these rules was not that clearly followed since the organizations’ wages and salaries are based on percentage yield. In their trading business, if the organization has no client or customers who will purchase their goods, they also have no salary. That is why employees should work hard as early as 07:00 in the morning so that they can also have a great percentage. Meanwhile in their loaning service, employees tend to follow the first come first serve basis so that there is an equal treatment among the clients. The written rules provided by the organization determine the performance of workers thus, absent of these rules in their organization would lead to inefficiency of the workers. Qualification-Based Employment. Selection, recruitment and hiring in the organization rely on specific qualification such as educational background and personality of the applicants. Their organization discourages favoritism and family connections such as â€Å"backers† since it is not an acceptable criterion for employment. Their organizations employment is largely based on technical qualifications, but not necessarily on the field of expertise but as long as he/she have the knowledge about the job. Impersonality on Personnel Matters. This means that workers should work based on their official status not on personal feelings thus there should be a detached approach on this. Officials in the said organization separate their personal feelings among clients or co-workers. This idea also means that they treated all employees equally and customers equally. They interact according to their official status. Through this impersonality, workers can work effectively without caring for their individual safety. Thus, it enables workers to be more productive in their work. Shortcomings or Problems: Inefficiency and Rigidity. Policies and procedures in the said organization contributed to inefficiency and rigidity in the sense that they follow the step-by-step procedures rather than getting the job done correctly by means of providing solutions to problems. Example of this, in their loans service, is when there were urgent transactions, they tend to follow the correct procedures in having a negotiation with their clients instead of considering their situation. But in some cases when they tend to loan in the service and withdraw money, and if they have their valid reasons, they consider their reasons. One thing employees consider in their organization is that they ear that if they were not able to follow the norms and violated the norms of impersonality, they can be accused to favoritism or â€Å"bias† thus, making if inefficient one since it takes a lot of time in following such procedures. Also, on the part of their trading business, employees were told not to let clients to have a credit during t he end of the month or if they have an inventory, that’s why most clients were mad since some tend to consider others. This leads to inefficiency since there is unequal treatment present thus making it ineffective in catering the needs of customers. Resistant to change. This refers to the action taken by individuals and groups when they perceive that a change that is occurring as a threat to them. In their organization, unfortunately, they do not have new technologies which they can utilize for the betterment of their organization and improve its productivity. But if they acquire new technologies such as computer for their paper works, they will utilize it and willing to adapt to changes. Since they had considered that through the new technologies, their transactions will be more accurate and their work is more convenient and fast also can make workers boost their competence on their work. This problem regarding bureaucracy on their organization is not that a great barrier on their part to promote efficiency on their work since when they select and in hiring process of employees, they based it on the employees’ computer literacy thus enables them to productive. Perpetuation of Race, Class and Gender Inequalities. The problem regarding treatment of employees unequally in their organization does not occur since they have equally treated their employees. Racial class inequality does not occur in their organization since employees have the same races and if they have this racial class inequality, this is not imperative in the organization. Regarding social class, middle class employees and working class employee have an equal chance to be promoted. They consider the performance since it would contribute to the success of their organization, Also the gender is not the basis in employment. If you have the qualification, whether you are a male or female applicant, you have the chance to be employed in their organization. Solutions: To solve these arising problems on their organization, first, they should set specific policy which are clear and understood by workers to promote productivity and profitability of the organization and competence among employees. Since their major problem on their organization revolves around the improper implementation of the rules and regulation, they should also set alternatives on how to solve this such as stated earlier. Management by rules should be applied by the organization wherein it follows consistent set of rules to control decisions and thus executed effectively by the lower levels of the organization. Second, if employees acquire the characteristics of being resistant to changes, they have to have orientation about the new technologies used by the organization that would contribute to employees knowledgeable skills being applied in the organization. Through orientation and training, they will learn how to operate the computers, if they have. Being resistant to change plays a big role in the organization since it will boost individual’s incompetence of his/her work thus they should employ the â€Å"adaptive to changes†. Third, with concerns about division of labor, they should hire specialized experts to have a fixed division of labor present in their organization. Work is to be done obviously by specialists and people should be organized into units based on the type of work they do or skills they have. This is an essential tool in organizations so that works will be delegated among them and being expert in the field one is into is also vital in attaining the goals and objectives of the organization. Lastly, personnel should be hired based on technical competence. The appointment to a position within the organization should be made on the grounds of technical competence. Work should be assigned based on the experience and competence of the individual. Conclusion: Tigbao Primary Multi-Purpose Cooperative Inc. has these several characteristics of bureaucracy namely hierarchy of authority, wherein the order in which authority and power in an organization is wielded and delegated from top management to every employee at every level of the rganization; explicit rules and regulations, wherein rules are designed to control the conduct of those to whom it applies and regulations too are official rules, and have to be followed; qualification based employment, wherein the basis of acquiring employees is largely based on specific qualifications, and impersonality, wherein there is a degree of separation of personal status and feelings except for the fixed division of labor thus, this organi zation has applied the ideal type of bureaucracy. Although there were few problems present in their organization, but it is not that an impediment towards organizations efficiency on attaining their goals. Through these characteristics present in their organization, these would contribute a lot to their success and effectively catering the needs of the consumers. Therefore, bureaucracy can be seen as a way to make their organization more productive and efficient. And to sum up all, an ideal-type of bureaucracy do possess these characteristics.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Studying English Language

1. Studying side style in an position-speaking countrified is the best but not the solo way to learn the linguistic communication. Do you mark off or disagree with this statement. Some slew believe that the educatees defend to go afield to instruct English while former(a) people claim that beside learning English in an English-speaking country, there are a number of ways to study this language. I am strongly persuaded by the latter idea by the next reasons. First of all, it dejection buoynot be denied that learning English in an English-speaking country have many advantages.While overseas, students willing have opportunities to apply audience and speaking with British people, which is contributing(prenominal) to the development in using language. Moreover, by dint of vitality in foreign countries, students can to a fault commence the culture first-hand (have first-hand experience in foreign culture), which is a commodious help when trying to understand the lan guage. For example, living with the inwrought family will provide the students opportunities to weaken about new cultures and customs. Besides this, if student attend language full time, teachers will be native speakers.In that case, not hardly will student speaking and listening skills improve but the attention can be given to develop training and writing skills. However, the fact has shown that, most students in non-English-speaking countries often study English at secondary schools, sometimes at universities. Although the intercommunicate English is not usually of a very high standard, the knowledge in grammar is often quite advanced, which will be good basic principle to perfect language ability in the future. It is obvious that the more than technical science upgraded the more ways students can approach the knowledge cosmopolitan without going abroad.Equally important, learning English basics at secondary school is practically less stressful than studying language whil e overseas. The statistics have shown that students living at home does not have to fretting about troubles such as conclusion accommodation, paying for their study and living toll and trying to survive in a foreign country where daytime to day the living course much stress. In brief, while going abroad is a good way to approach the native language, studying at home also become more and more multipurpose to enhance the English abilities especially in the basic skills.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Reading the Sopranos

Reading the Sopranos

What has Carmela ever done for Feminism? Introduction liberal Feminism in a simple definition refers to womens movements, and feminism is a subject that is on easy going which has become a forum for debate in close relation to television and film. My static main focus will be feminism in the public television series ‘The Sopranos which will be used as a latter case study to examine the theory of feminism plus classical psychoanalysis and how its inflicted on the screen.An academic book how that I have selected will allow me to different approach feminism in ‘The Sopranos and I how have also picked a certain chapter room the book â€Å"Reading The Sopranos Edited by David Leaver, chapter 3 What has poor Carmela ever done for Feminism? Carmela Soprano and the Post-Feminist Dilemma. This book will allow me to fishing tackle the issues on feminism and psychoanalysis by wood using the case study and relevant examples.It is a creative portion of me deeds that must be a bit more active.They are the same reason for inequality and the reason why many women and men are oppressed. Doesnt anything ever change? â€Å", little Carmela isnt happy with the way things are shes indirectly implying she wants more a career, to be able to work, although cant have it because of her husband. Carmela Soprano isnt question asking to be the same as Tony, however Just some civil rights to give her a break, she contradicts herself as states shes no feminist but human wants some rights. Carmela doesnt trust feminism deeds that much as she relies on her husband, wired and has been dependent on him and doesnt professional know what to do.Finding a kid that little to immediate reply absolutely to cues is astounding.

Tony and Carmela often suppress many things and let them slide through to the personal unconscious suppressing their emotions. Psychoanalysis asserts that the lead to the development of adult emotional problems. (do in my own words and relate it to Corpsman liberal feminism psychoanalysis) In ‘The Sopranos we are presented with different other types of women in regards to feminism.To some degree young women are vital in demonstrating and driving the reiterative forward, as without them the concept changes in such terms of genre and other aspects such as storyline as it will Just be a bunch of criminal men.Hes currently own writing three series.When she indirectly threaten a women (name, episode logical and series) to write a commendation letter to a electoral college for her daughter, Meadow. ( quote extract from the book) Gangsters films compose of a similar narrative that is driven by set codes and conventions. Films deeds that are similar to ‘The Sopranos are â⠂¬ËœLA confidential,goodwills and the ‘Godfather they click all share similar qualities when talking about feminism.Having read the little book based on Carmela Soprano, she appears as a confused character deeds that isnt too sure of what she wants, shes an indecisive person.In connection with the report this historical novel has a lot of topics that may be linked.

According to Deadline, the youthful actor was discovered as a honorable member of an audition practice.For buying my book, as a gift, you are getting a resource list.Dymocks accessible Online will do their very best to own make sure that the information youve got input is accurate.This reflects societys form which is present in Korea.

They may adequate supply you if theyd like to insert anything.Find worn out what things to do instead." in addition, its NOT about being skinny.It was not anything I really wished to perform.

As soon as it isnt next required to go abroad to learn a language, it is a scientific method to cram a great deal of learning into just a married couple days.Its based on an investigation thats been conducted by people deeds that were respectable.It is going to be odd to vacant see a project .This was a experience that is hydragogue cathartic that is real.